The official Web site.
The latest regional information, and道の駅
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* News from the station(Opening hours and closing days)InfoHere▸▸▸
Road Station Negoro Historical Hill
Road Station Negoro Historical Hill
2019July 15 -
9月8日(日曜日)に岩出市ねごろ歴史の丘の旧和歌山県議会議事堂において「紀州の地酒&JAZZ」を開催します。前売り券好評発売中! 同時にコラボ企画として「和文化体験 着物で楽しむお酒とJAZZ」も行います。This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.